Giant Clam Shell Fossil on loan from Keystone Gallery

This fossil was found, collected and prepared by Chuck Bonner, Keystone Gallery.   

Clam Shell Fossil Display

Plateceramus (pla- tee-ser’-a-mus) clams are covered with small fossil oysters, ostrea congesta. Since the ancient inland sea was silt covered, the oysters used the large clams as a stable attachment surface.

May of Western Interior Seaway

This beautiful clam is above average size and contains a “magic window” which allows a view of the smooth inside surface. It has a colorful rust patina caused by iron concentrations in the chalk.


Giant Clam Shell Fossil

April 12, 2019

Chuck Bonner, Keystone Gallery with Laurie Millensifer and Kirsten Dutten, BBCCC.  Chuck supervised the installation of the 75 pound Clam Shell in the display case. 

To see more fossils from our area, visit the Fick Fossil Museum (Oakley) and Keystone Gallery (Logan County).